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New Research Studies

Idea Exploration

New and experienced investigators are encouraged to contact the RVH Research Institute to explore new research ideas. There are many factors that should be considered when developing scientifically and ethically meritorious research questions, hypotheses, and objectives for research

Helpful Tips

  1. Investigators should perform a scoping or systematic literature review to increase their evidence-based knowledge and familiarity with the topic, as well as to identify current trends, technological advances, and gaps in research

  2. Consult with peers, mentors, colleagues, and colleagues will help refine your research question

  3. Use the FINER Criteria (below) in the development of the research question

  4. Ensure that the research questions follows PICOT format (below)

  5. Develop a focused research hypothesis and primary and secondary (if needed) objectives

FINER Criteria


Investigators may wish to consider using the FINER criteria to help outline the important aspects of developing a clinically relevant and answerable question

PICOT Criteria


Investigators may wish to consider using the FINER criteria to help outline the important aspects of developing a clinically relevant and answerable question

Please contact RVH Chief Research Scientist, Dr. Giulio Didiodato, if you would like to discuss additional strategies for developing a research question, hypothesis, and objective(s).

Quality Improvement vs. Research


In medical institutions quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) is a necessary, integral part of hospital operations and is not subject to research ethics review. However, since conducting QA/QI may overlap with research activities or develop into research, it is the responsibility of investigators to identify whether proposed QA/QI activity requires research ethcis oversight.

The table below may assist investigators with determining their project is QA/QI or research.  Investigators may also wish to consult the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2018) or the ARECCI Ethics Screening Tool for additional assistance. 

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